EC-Council CPENT

Certified Penetration Testing Professional

Hone yourself for real-world penetration testing with the ultimate training program

In an industry crippled by the gaping skill divide between great penetration testers and good ones, the CPENT program lays itself down like a bridge. This formidable program has become the holy grail of every pentester who wants to prove their mettle in the industry. Take this unique journey into a world of real-life simulation of an intricately complex attack architecture that trains you to go beyond Kali, automated tools and flat cyber ranges. Learn how to customize your exploits on the go, pivot to hidden networks, adapt a multi-disciplinary approach and become unbeatable at real-world penetration testing.

CPENT Benefits
Key Features

Time of Completion
40 hours course + 24 hours exam

Jobs Available
8,000+ on LinkedIn alone for Pen Testers

Average Salary
$84,000 in the World

  • 40 hours of expert training
  • Offline + Online modes available
  • Licensed study material by EC-Council
  • Exam fee included
  • 100% mapped with the NICE framework
  • Dual Certification
  • Powered by the ultimate CPENT range
  • Provides strong reporting writing guidance
Career Scope
Global Acceptance
Difficulty Level
The Aim

To prepare professionals for the harsh environment of real-world penetration testing. This one of a kind program trains pentesters in an extensive spectrum of networks with its multi-disciplinary approach and produces experts who can whip up instant solutions, and overcome any hurdle that the industry throws at them.

Job Roles
  • Information Security Analyst
  • Penetration Tester
  • Information System Security Engineer
  • Information security Consultant
Course Outline
  • Introduction to Penetration Testing
  • Penetration Testing Scoping and Engagement
  • Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT)
  • Social Engineering Penetration Testing
  • Network Penetration Testing – External
  • Network Penetration Testing – Internal
  • Network Penetration Testing – Perimeter Devices
  • Web Application Penetration Testing
  • Wireless Penetration Testing
  • IoT Penetration Testing
  • OT/SCADA Penetration Testing
  • Cloud Penetration Testing
  • Binary Analysis and Exploitation
  • Report Writing and Post Testing Actions
  • 11 Bonus Chapters
A Hands-On Exam Like No Other
24 Hours will define your Pen Testing career

Establish yourself as the cream of the crop by clearing the cutthroat CPENT exam and stand a chance to earn two elite certifications in one attempt. The CPENT exam is a hands-on, rigorous, day-long, online exam that is remotely supervised by EC-Council specialists. With no way to circumvent the painstaking exam, it becomes definite that your performance and doggedness alone, in those 24 hours, will define the new heights of your career. Packed with complex challenges that are true to the real world in every sense, this exam will test your penetration testing skills to the core, in a way that no other program in the world can.

The CPENT program will train you and test you in all the latest skills related to various types of pivoting, privilege escalation, windows attack, IoT attack, binary exploitation, filtered network bypassing, operational technology, detection evasion, attack automation and report writing. Rest assured, you will emerge as an industry-ready expert who is well-versed in cutting-edge pentesting tools, techniques and methodologies that are highly valued and demanded all over the planet.

CPENT info

A score higher than 70% will fetch you the CPENT certification, whereas a score higher than 90% will fetch you an additional LPT (Master) certification, one of most coveted designations in pentesting!


The CPENT range is a beast of a range imitating the real world as accurately as possible. The range is meticulously designed by experts to incorporate every element of the real-world attack spectrum, including its complexity, dynamism and high customizability. The CPENT range offers a challenging ground that makes you adjust, modify and adapt your exploits in order to break into enterprise-level machines and networks that only get harder at every step and automatically update themselves according to the changing technological landscape of the outside world. During the course, you will be trained to outgrow yourself by improvising and strategizing your way into different targets presenting a large gamut of challenges.


To cement yourself in the industry as a penetration testing expert proficient in multi-disciplinary approach with the capability to overcome extreme real-world challenges.

The course is 5 days long with advanced training spanning 14 modules and 11 bonus materials.

It is a 24-hour long exam which you can opt to take in one 24-hour session or two 12-hour sessions.

If you score more than 70%, you will earn the CPENT designation, and if you score more than 90%, you will earn the CPENT as well as the LPT (Master) designation.

It is best suited for Penetration Testers, Ethical Hackers, Information Security Consultants, Security Testers/Analysts/Engineers, Risk Assessment Professionals and Firewall/Network Server/System Administrators.

About The CPENT and LPT (Master) Exam
  • Duration: 24 hours
  • Availability: Aspen – iRange
  • Test Format: iLabs Cyber Range or VPN
  • Passing Score: 70% for CPENT
  • Passing Score: 90% for LPT (Master)
  • Eligibility: 18+ Years

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Certified Penetration Testing Professional (CPENT Course) – Tech Brewery

What is CPENT ?

Certified Penetration Testing Professional or CPENT is the world's number one penetration testing program by EC Council. The ultimate, 40 hours long, rigorous program is aimed at creating world-class, industry-ready, penetration testers who can think on their feet and overcome real-world pentesting challenges.

What does an EC-Council Certified Penetration Tester do?

An EC-Council Certified Penetration Tester is the crأ¨me de la crأ¨me of penetration testers. Such a professional plays a key role in safeguarding an organization against data breaches and cyber attacks by employing an offensive approach to cybersecurity where they use their penetration testing skills to perform an authorized cyber attack against the concerned computer system to find and fix possible vulnerabilities. Vulnerability assessment and penetration testing is a major part of cybersecurity in any organization, private or public, and an EC-Council Certified Penetration Tester gets this job done with the highest level of efficiency and competence.

The Benefits of the CPENT course

The EC Council CPENT course is highly beneficial penetration testing program that will help you establish yourself as an elite pentester in the cybersecurity industry and take your career to new heights. In CPENT online course, you will learn the usage of various advanced penetration testing methodologies, techniques and tools that will strengthen your profile and enhance your value as a highly demanded penetration tester. To ice the cake, you will get the chance of earning two certificates with a single CPENT certification cost.

Features of the EC-Council Certified Penetration Tester course:

  1. Online CPENT training available
  2. Dual certification eligibility in a single CPENT certification cost
  3. Fully mapped with the NICE framework
  4. Methodology-based penetration testing program
  5. Comes with the ultimate CPENT online training cyber range
  6. The most sophisticated online penetration testing course in the industry

The CPENT range: The best cyber range in any online penetration testing course

The EC Council CPENT course is designed on the ultimate CPENT range that imitates the real-world attack architecture in a way that no other range does. The CPENT range is complex, broad, dynamic and extensive, in a manner that meets the needs and demands of the real-world penetration testing challenges. On the CPENT range, you will be challenged in a multi-disciplinary approach that spans network zones and allows you to go beyond Kali and automated tools, unlike flat cyber ranges. You will learn advanced windows attacks, IoT attacks, writing and customizing exploits (advanced binary exploitation), penetration testing OT, bypassing filtered networks, privilege escalation and advanced pivoting. You will also learn how to evade detection systems, and write penetration testing reports. With the holistic online CPENT training experience, you will learn how to modify and weaponize your exploits and emerge as a formidable penetration tester who is distinguished from the rest.

How do I become a Certified Penetration Testing Professional?

You enroll yourself in the EC Council CPENT online course and take the CPENT exam. When you clear the exam with more than 70 percentile, you will earn yourself the prestigious, globally valued CPENT certification. Additionally, you will earn the Licensed Penetration Tester (Master) certificate if you score more than 90%. You can also choose to take the exam directly without going through online CPENT training. EC Council has designed the CPENT online course to help candidates hone their skills as much as they can before taking the grueling, CPENT exam.

Important Questions about the Certified Penetration Testing Professional Course:

  • What is EC Council?

    International Council of Electronic Commerce Consultants is a revered organization aimed at certifying individuals in information security skills. Tech Brewery is accredited by EC-Council, meaning that once you complete the offline or online penetration testing course with us, you will get a globally valued certification and become an EC-Council Certified Penetration Tester.

  • Why is Certified Penetration Testing Professional unique?

    Certified Penetration Testing Professional course is a unique program because it is the first of its kind Penetration Testing Program that prepares and tests professionals on practical skills in a broad real-world-like attack spectrum. Knowledge-based certifications do not provide this level of competence and skill development.

  • What is the duration of the CPENT course?

    The CPENT course is 40 hours long, excluding the exam. You can complete the course in 4-5 days or choose to learn at your own pace. CPENT online training will allow you to save time and money as you can learn from the convenience of your home.

  • How long will the online CPENT training take?

    Online CPENT training takes 40 hours as well. It doesn't matter whether you take offline or online CPENT training as they are just two different mediums of learning. The CPENT online course is preferred by a lot of students and professionals as it allows them to learn from the comfort of their homes.

  • How do I know if the EC Council CPENT course is for me or not?

    If you are a penetration tester, ethical hacker, or an InfoSec consultant, then the CPENT course is meant for you. Not only that, security testers, engineers and analysts are also recommended to undertake the CPENT course. Apart from that, network service admins, firewall and system admins and risk assessment professionals should also pursue the EC Council CPENT course for a high upgrade in their career.

  • What is the eligibility for CPENT online training?

    This advanced online penetration testing course has no eligibility criteria, but it is strongly recommended that you have gone through CEH or any other equivalent ethical hacking course before you apply for this.

  • Can I opt for CPENT online training and still receive a valid CPENT certification?

    Opting for CPENT online training will not make any difference to your CPENT certification. Your certification will be as valid as it would be if you opt for offline training.

  • Who can appear for the Certified Penetration Testing Professional exam?

    Although it is not mandatory, it is highly advised that you attempt the CEH Practical before you appear for the CPENT exam.

  • Which certificate will I get after I clear the CPENT exam?

    With CPENT exam, you get the opportunity to earn two certificates in one attempt. If you score higher than 70%, you will get the CPENT certificate, and if you score more than 90%, ohlyou will earn the CPENT as well as the LPT (Master) certificate. This is a unique feature not provided by any other online penetration testing course.

  • How long is the CPENT exam?

    The CPENT exam is a 24 hour long process, that you can either choose to take in one sitting (of 24 hours) or two sittings (of 12 hours each).آ  It is a performance based practical exam, conducted online and supervised by EC-Council specialists remotely.

  • Do I have to submit a report after the CPENT exam?

    Yes, you will have to submit a pen test report within 7 days of your CPENT exam session, or CPENT exam session 2 (in case of two 12-hour sessions).

  • How many exam attempts are covered in the CPENT certification cost?

    One online penetration testing course covers your fee for one exam attempt.

  • How useful is the Certified Penetration Testing Professional certification?

    The CPENT certification is a testament of a strong penetration tester who is capable of strategizing, decision making, ideating and overcoming challenges that exist in the wild. The CPENT certification will open up new and amazing possibilities for you in the cybersecurity world. There is a massive skill gap in the penetration testing industry, which keeps on widening due to the high demand for skilled penetration testers and the low supply of professionals skilled in an online penetration testing course. This is the reason why EC-Council Certified Penetration Tester course has been devised.

  • Can I get my Certified Penetration Testing Professional certification online?

    Yes, absolutely. The CPENT exam is a fully online exam that you can take from anywhere. Not just that, the EC Council CPENT course itself can be learnt online in a couple of days or according to your preferred duration.

  • What makes the EC Council CPENT range exceptional?

    The EC Council CPENT range is progressive, dynamic, complex and an accurate representation of the real-world with the ultimate attack surface you won't find in any other cyber range.

  • Will I get access to the CPENT range in online CPENT training?

    Yes, you would get access to the entire CPENT range if you opt for the CPENT online course. Remember that there is no difference in CPENT online training and offline training.

  • How many modules are there in the CPENT online course?

    The CPENT online course has a total of 14 modules and 11 bonus materials.

  • Is there any separate CPENT certification cost?

    No, there is no separate CPENT certification cost. All the costs are included in offline or online CPENT training.

  • Will I have to pay extra for the LPT certification?

    No, the CPENT certification cost covers the LPT certification cost. You don't have to pay anything extra.

  • Is the CPENT certification cost worth it?

    There is a huge demand for professional penetration testers in the industry. With CPENT online course, you don't only get to establish yourself as an elite Penetration Tester, but you also earn two certificates, i.e. CPENT and Licensed Penetration Tester (Master), while incurring the single CPENT certification cost.

  • Where can I work as an EC-Council Certified Penetration Tester?

    As an EC-Council Certified Penetration Tester, you can work almost anywhere in the world. EC-Council's certification programs are globally recognized and are endorsed by various government agencies.

Rest assured, if you are looking for an online penetration testing course, then CPENT is a golden choice. With CPENT online training available from the comfort of your home, you can upgrade your skill as a penetration tester and apply for better jobs right away, in any part of the world. Contact us to know more about the CPENT online course and how to enroll in it. Our experts are always here to genuinely guide you and help you customize your CPENT online training according to your needs.
You can either call us at +91-88-7208-7208 or write to us at for any queries.

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