This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 2 years, 2 months ago by

Tech Brewery .

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  • #10873
    Tech Brewery

    Here are some things to must-read before you start participating in the forum.


    1. Stick to the forum: This forum is strictly related to How-To questions. Keep your topics starting with ق€˜How toق€™ to avoid your submissions from getting rejected.
    2. Read sample topics: Read some sample topics to ascertain whether your topic fits the forum.
    3. Structure your topic:آ Make sure you are crisp and precise in the Topic Title. Add other details in the Topic Description. Use relevant tags to increase your topic visibility.
    4. Respond responsibly: Keep your responses highly relevant to what has been asked or mentioned in a topic. Any irrelevant post might be reported by others and removed.
    5. Report inappropriate content: Silence encourages offenders. Report content that you may find disrespectful of the forum rules.


    1. No abusive language: Donق€™t use cuss words, slang, abuses or any offensive words in your topics and posts.
    2. Donق€™t be rude: Be nice to others and refrain from content that is rude, derogatory or a personal attack on someone.
    3. No political or religious remarks: Do not comment about any political, religious, social or moral issue. This is not the right place to start a debate.


    ق€œHow to do an SQL injection?ق€

    ق€œHow to recover my data from hard disk after a cyberattack?ق€

    ق€œHow to cover my tracks after hacking a server?ق€

    ق€œHow to identify a genuine website from a fraud one?ق€

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